'My Name Is David' is a powerfully simple animated short film from one of the animators of 'Robot Chicken', Matt Manning, for the Autism Speaks site.
It depicts a young student's speech to his fellow classmates about his autism.
The short film features the actual words and voice of the author of the speech - 14 year old David Shapiro Sharif.
David's speech does an exceptional job in not only educating kids and adults about autism [in my opinion, educating adults of school-aged kids is just as important], it also gives a voice to millions of autistic kids around the world. I love it.
Watch. And share:
How wonderful was that? If you don't have an autistic child, did you come away feeling like you know much more about autism?
And if you do have an autistic child, don't you feel somehow validated on their behalf?
For more on Autism Speaks, click here.
It depicts a young student's speech to his fellow classmates about his autism.
The short film features the actual words and voice of the author of the speech - 14 year old David Shapiro Sharif.
David's speech does an exceptional job in not only educating kids and adults about autism [in my opinion, educating adults of school-aged kids is just as important], it also gives a voice to millions of autistic kids around the world. I love it.
Watch. And share:
How wonderful was that? If you don't have an autistic child, did you come away feeling like you know much more about autism?
And if you do have an autistic child, don't you feel somehow validated on their behalf?
For more on Autism Speaks, click here.